How to Let Customers Pay Without a PayPal Account in Shopify

David Z  

By default, PayPal Express Checkout prompts customers to pay by logging into their PayPal account. If customers don’t have a PayPal account it also gives them the option to create one.

However, you can allow customers to pay for orders with their credit card, even if they don’t have a PayPal account.

In order to set this up, you must first have your own credit card linked to your PayPal Business account. 

Once you’ve done that, you can enable guest payments by changing the following settings in your PayPal account. This is handled outside of Shopify’s platform.

Step #1: Log in to your PayPal Business Account.

Step #2: Select “Selling Preferences” from your “Profile.”

Step #3: Navigate to “Website Payment Preferences.”

Step #4: Select “Yes” under “PayPal Account Optional.”

Now customers who don’t have a PayPal account can still buy from your Shopify store without being forced to sign in or sign up for PayPal. 

Benefits of Enabling Guest Checkout for PayPal Express Checkout on Your Shopify Store

Adding guest checkout to your PayPal Express Checkout can have several benefits for your business.

  1. Increased Conversion Rates: Allowing customers to checkout as guests without having to sign up for a PayPal account can significantly reduce cart abandonment rates. This is because customers who don’t have a PayPal account, or who don’t want to create one, can still complete their purchase quickly and easily.
  2. Improved User Experience: Simplifying the checkout process can improve the overall user experience for your customers. With fewer steps required to complete a purchase, customers are more likely to return to your store and make additional purchases.
  3. Expanded Customer Base: By providing the option to pay with a credit card, you can expand your customer base beyond those who already have a PayPal account. This is especially important for businesses looking to target new or international markets where PayPal may not be as widely used.
  4. Increased Trust: Offering multiple payment options can increase customer trust and confidence in your business. Customers are more likely to purchase from a website that offers multiple payment options as it shows that the website is established and reliable.


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